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Food & Brewing

Food and Brewery Safety Products to eliminate emission of toxins such as Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. It improve safety & productivity.

Food and Brewery Safety.

Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are responsible for most of odor issued related with food, brewery, and winery operations.

Emissions of these two gases raise safety and health matters for employees as well as possible negative affect on the productivity of the operation.

Use of Chemteq filter’s change indicator on the outlet of filter notify the user when filter  is saturated .

To ensure food and brewery safety, We offer,  filter change indicators, not only to safeguard health and wellbeing of the employees, but also make certain  that residents in the neighborhood of the plant are breathing odor free air.

Chemteq make area monitors as well as filter change indicators and filters with end of service life indicators.

Applications include Acids, ammonia, mercury, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide and organic vapors.

Drum type filter change indicators

These filter change indicators include the BTIBTI InlineBTI with auxiliary filter trap (for high toxic materials such as hydrazine and mercury), BTI2 and  BTI3.

Filter change indicator stickers

BTIS, for ductless hoods and fume extractors and BTIS-SMF, for sewer manhole filters.

Leask Detectors

BTI-B, Stickers for chemical transport trucks and chemical storage cabinets.

We also make three different sizes of filters with end of service life indicators for wide range of chemicals.

Food and Brewery Safety.

Products Features:

1. Filter Change Indicators


Diameter and thread

BTI-LFF*: 3/8″. Inlet, no thread or M10 x 1mm

BTI: 1”. Inlet thread 0.75” MNPT

BTI-Inline: 1”. Inlet & 0utlet thread 0.75” MNPT

BTI-AFT*: 1”

BTI2: 2”. Inlet thread 1.5” MNPT

BTI3: 3”. Inlet thread 2.5” MNPT



FTI-LFF*: 3″ or 2″

BTI: 3.5”

BTI-Inline: 3.5”

BTI-AFT*: 5.1”

BTI2: 4.5”

BTI3: 4.5”


Temperature range:

-20 – 4oC to 50 – 65oC (-4 – 39oF to 122 -149oF).


Humidity range:

5% RH to 95%RH


Shelf life range:

1-2 years


Service life range:

1-2 years


Allowable fluids:

Gases and vapors

2. Filter Change Indicator Stickers



Area Monitors**: 1.5”

BTIS: 1.25”

BTIS-B***: 1.5”

BTIS-SMF****: 1.5”



Area Monitors**: 0.12”

BTIS: 0.12”

BTIS B***: 0.12”

BTIS-SMF****: 0.12”


Temperature range:

-20 – 4oC to 50 – 65oC (-4 – 39oF to 122 -149oF).


Humidity range:

5% RH to 95%RH


Shelf life range:

1-2 years


Service life range:

1-2 years


Allowable fluids:

Gases and vapors

* For hplc waste contain filters.

** Filter change indicator with extra filter trap.

*** Monitoring air quality. Suitable locations, on stack, duct, vent, or flue.

**** Leak detectors for chemical cabinets and chemical transport trucks.

***** Filter change indicator sticker for sewer manhole filter.

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